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Alena Annusewicz | Bez kategorii | 01 February

Szlachetna Paczka 2020 – #LionsHeart

Szlachetna Paczka 2020 - Lions Heart

December is a special time for many of us – preparing for Christmas, looking for gifts dreamed up by our loved ones and finally – the joy of being together. In this magical time, it is worth remembering about others – because joy is the only thing that multiplies when it is shared! 🙂

As every year, many Lions waited for this moment – because there is nothing more beautiful than the possibility of bringing a smile to someone’s face! We started our annual preparations for the Miracles Weekend in November. This year we decided to fulfill the Christmas dreams of Mrs. Justyna, her partner – Mr. Maciej and their children – 7-year-old Olek, 3-year-old Natalia and tiny, 3-month-old Ola. The family, despite many difficulties (including those related to the epidemic), tries to cope with the problems. They support and love each other. They love to spend time together – and it is being together that is their greatest value.


We rolled up our sleeves because there was a lot of preparation ahead of us! In addition to organizing the annual fundraiser, #LionsOffice has many volunteers ready to prepare gifts for individual family members. On the list of Christmas dreams of the family from Ostrów Mazowiecka, the biggest ones were new kitchen furniture, food and cleaning products.


After organizing the full equipment, we couldn’t forget about gifts for each family member. Thanks to the new fishing jacket, Mr. Maciej will be able to pursue his greatest passion – fishing. In addition to them, we also managed to make Mrs. Justyna and the kids happy – Olek was happy with the new blocks, Natalia and Ola – with the toys. School supplies and art materials were also a great joy.

December 13 will surely remain in the memory of those involved in the Szlachetna Paczka (Noble Package) of Lions for a long time – it was then that our Lion Delegation went to Ostrów Mazowiecka to give the family all the gifts. A smile on their faces is our greatest reward and motivation to continue the #LionsHeart campaign. Because it’s worth making a smile!

„No matter how much we have, it’s important how much we can give to other people. The smile and joy we get in return are priceless”

-says Paula Perz, Partner at Lions Estate, who this year represented us during the Weekend of Miracles.

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